Do you need some fresh, new writing prompts for your middle school or elementary students? Monthly writing prompts are a fun way to enliven your daily writing practice. With over 50 March-inspired writing ideas and a free printable list and calendar, these March writing prompts are sure to jumpstart your student’s creativity. Whether you’re marking the arrival of spring, commemorating women’s history month, or celebrating St Patrick’s Day, we have writing prompts to fit any learning style or curriculum plan.

Creative Writing Prompts are a Great Way to Get Kids Writing
Writing prompts are great for engaging kids in writing assignments because they provide a starting point or direction for their writing. By giving kids a topic, plot, character, or concept to explore, we confront writer’s block head-on and help them jump straight into writing. For reluctant writers in particular, the structure provided by a writing prompt can reduce the stress associated with coming up with their own ideas.
In addition, writing prompts help students practice specific skills such as summarizing information or describing events in sequence. By restricting the scope of what they have to write about, students can focus on more specific aspects of the writing process. This allows each lesson to take on a different focus, like using strong vocabulary words or finding effective ways to express ideas.
Responding to writing prompts helps kids get more comfortable and confident expressing themselves in written form. As students become accustomed to responding to these assignments, they become less self-conscious about their ideas and better at conveying their thoughts through language. The better kids feel about their abilities as writers, the more likely they are to produce higher-level written work and take risks when approaching new topics.
What Do You Write About In March?
One of the best ways to keep your daily writing prompts fresh is to tie them into seasonal themes. Whether you use your writing prompts as morning work or as the foundation for larger writing assignments, giving students a wide variety of topics to write about is essential to holding their interest.
Here are some of the special events in March and a few ideas for how you can tie them into your writing lessons. These celebrations are heavily incorporated into our specific list of March writing prompts.
Special Events in the Month of March
- Women’s History Month — Celebrated annually in March, Women’s History Month honors women who fought for equality and celebrates women’s contributions to history, culture, and society. This is a great opportunity to encourage students to research notable women who have made groundbreaking historical achievements. Older students could choose from a list of women (such as Sojourner Truth, Louisa May Alcott, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Blackwell, Marie Curie, Coretta Scott King, Rosa Parks, or Malala Yousafzai) and write a short biography, while younger students might write from their own experiences about a woman who makes a difference in their lives.
- National Craft Month — March is also National Craft Month, a time dedicated to creative crafting in all its forms. This provides a great opportunity to tie your writing activities in with other things you’re doing in the class. For example, if you’re introducing kids to new crafts or art forms, you could have them write reflections on the projects they make, noting what worked and what they’d change next time; have them write a list of instructions for completing a favorite craft; or make a poster advertising a craft they’ve made.
- National Nutrition Month — Rounding out our list of monthly celebrations is National Nutrition Month. This is a time set aside for raising awareness of the importance of physical fitness and a well-balanced diet. This could lend itself well to journaling prompts asking kids to reflect on what they think good nutrition looks like. You could have them set nutrition and exercise goals, write steps to make a healthier version of a favorite treat, or make a poster showing a balanced diet.
- National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day — Peanut Butter is so popular, it has two national days in the U.S.—National Peanut Butter Day (January 24th) and National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day (March 1st). That’s not to mention Peanut Butter and Jelly Day (April 2nd), Peanut Butter and Chocolate Day (July 23rd), and Peanut Butter Cookie Day (June 12th). It’s safe to say that peanut butter is a beloved staple for many North Americans. It’s also highly controversial as so many people are allergic to it, which you’ll want to keep in mind if you use this day to inspire a writing assignment. You could have students write an opinion paragraph about the best accompaniment for peanut butter (jelly? milk? chocolate?). Those who do not or cannot eat peanut butter could write about the best replacement for peanut butter or make the case that some other food product should take peanut butter’s place in these common food pairings.
- Words Matter Week – The first full week in March brings us Words Matter Week and National Grammar Day. This is a great time to emphasize writing skills and activities in your classroom. You could play word games such as Scrabble or Boggle, have a thesaurus word lookup challenge, or have students write poems that explore the importance of choosing the best words. Visit the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors to participate in the Words Matter Week daily writing challenges or have students create their own grammar guidebooks covering their most frequent mistakes.
- National Newspapers in Education Week – The first full week in March is also National Newspapers in Education Week. This is the perfect time to revive the fading pastime of reading the newspapers. Bring a selection of daily papers into class and have students write responses to articles that move them or letters to the editor on topics of their choice. Better yet, have them create their own edition of a newspaper.
- National Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss Day) – March 2 marks Dr. Seuss’s birthday and many schools celebrate it with National Read Across America Day. If March 2 falls on a weekend, the holiday is moved to the closest school day. Introduce a world of possibilities to your students by reading them the stories and verses of Dr. Seuss. Challenge their imaginations with creative writing exercises by having them craft whimsical tales, lyrical poems, or fascinating articles in his signature style. You can also check out these Cat in the Hat activities.
- National Speech and Debate Education Day – The first Friday in March features a couple of fun events, the first being National Speech and Debate Education Day. Here’s a great opportunity to encourage students to write for authentic purposes and audiences. Have them write and deliver presentations with the purpose of changing, adding, or eliminating one classroom or school rule. If you have time, have the class follow up with a brief debate on some of the topics. Have them check out this list of speeches to memorize for inspiration. For more activity ideas, visit the National Speech and Debate Association.
- National Day of Unplugging – That same day, we also have the National Day of Unplugging. This tech-free day invites us to shut down our devices and reconnect with people and nature. Incorporate it into your writing activities by having students write about their favorite tech-free activities or ask them to write essays about the pros and cons of technology.
- National Grammar Day — March 4 is National Grammar Day, the perfect time to teach some grammar lessons, challenge students to switch up their sentence structures, or focus on a little editing. You could have them analyze articles, social media posts, or other written materials for grammatical mistakes. You might have them make a series of images (i.e. a social media carousel post) where each image teaches a different grammatical rule.
- International Women’s Day — Celebrated on March 8, International Women’s Day is an annual celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world. International Women’s Day organizers have put together several resources for kids including fun, printable writing prompts cards.
- National Proofreading Day — March is definitely the month for zooming in on different parts of the writing process. National Proofreading Day celebrates the craft of proofreading and serves as a reminder to students to check their work before submitting it. Set aside time to teach a mini-lesson on proofreading and have students practice proofreading their own and others’ assignments.
- Johnny Appleseed Day — Born John Chapman, Johnny Appleseed was an American folk hero widely known for his extensive and successful cultivation of apple trees throughout the eastern United States during the late 1700s and early 1800s. He often gave away saplings for free or sold them at very low prices so that anyone could plant an apple tree. He is remembered for his incredible contribution to American horticulture and folklore. Countless stories and myths exist about him. March 11 marks Johnny Appleseed Day, a great time to read students a book about this remarkable historical figure. You could have them respond in writing, commenting on which stories they believe are real and which are myths, or you could have them prepare research papers or presentations relating to his legacy.
- National Write Down Your Story Day — March 14 is Write Down Your Story Day, which encourages people to record and preserve their unique stories, experiences, and memories. The goal of this day is to help people reflect on their lives, connect with others, and share their stories in a meaningful way. It also serves to help people explore the power of storytelling to create positive change in the world. This is a great opportunity for kids to write personal narratives about one or more events in their lives. They could also write a high-level overview of their life so far, diving deeper into a few significant events in more detail.
- St. Patrick’s Day — Celebrated on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day is a cultural and religious celebration in honor of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. People from all over the world come together to enjoy traditional Irish music, food, and festivities. Students could read St. Patrick’s Day books and then write about the history and traditions of St. Patrick’s Day, such as why it is celebrated, what people usually do to celebrate it, and its roots in Irish culture. They could also explore the legends and myths surrounding St. Patrick such as the story of him driving the snakes out of Ireland or explain why people wear green on this day.
- National Awkward Moments Day — This is a fun event to incorporate into your classroom because it carries an element of surprise. Who celebrates awkward moments? Writers do! Awkward moments make for the best stories. On March 18, help students embrace their awkward moments by taking part in Awkward Moments Day. Have students write about an awkward moment they experienced or make up a short story involving an awkward moment. Encourage them to make it even more awkward by adding new elements, like someone overhearing a conversation they’re not supposed to or someone completely misreading a situation.
- First day of spring — The first day of spring is determined based on the position of the earth in its orbit around the sun but typically occurs on March 19, 20, or 21. The change of season brings many opportunities for tying your writing assignments to other seasonal units in your classroom. Students could write poems about the changes we see in nature in the spring or write essays arguing why we should or shouldn’t carry on with the observance of daylight savings.
- World Poetry Day — We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention World Poetry Day as an inspiration for March writing prompts. Celebrated annually on March 21, World Poetry Day honors the transformative power of poetry. Writing poetry is an excellent form of self-expression that can inspire children to explore their emotions and thoughts while discovering new ways to express them. Try having students write freeform or structured poetry that explores spring topics or themes. They might write poems about the emergence of life in spring, the brighter days, new beginnings, and warmer temperatures. They could also explore how nature comes alive with color and sound in the spring or how it looks and feels different than in other seasons.
- Make Up Your Own Holiday Day – If none of these holidays suits your students’ fancy, you can always have them make up their own holiday on March 26th.
With all those special observances in mind, let’s look at a list of specific March writing prompts to use with your students.
March Writing Prompts for Kids
With March in full swing, it’s the perfect opportunity to inspire your students with a variety of spring writing prompts. Choose a range of interesting topics and prompt types designed to engage their creativity while also meeting curricular expectations. Let’s get those creative juices flowing.
Below, I’ve organized 50 writing prompts into two sections divided by grade level—25 for early elementary kids and 25 for upper elementary and middle school. Within each of these sections, there are several types of prompts including sentence starters, poetry prompts, story writing prompts, and non-fiction prompts.
Writing Prompts for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, and 3rd Grade
While most of these writing prompts can be adapted for a wide age range, many are too complex for early elementary students. They may involve topics that are above their capacity or require too much printing. We want to make writing fun for these youngest writers, so keep it simple by giving them a starter phrase and/or a word bank and asking them to either complete the sentence or write one to three sentences of their own, depending on their ability levels.
For kids in kindergarten or first grade, a simple writing activity is to have them draw a picture response to the writing prompts and then have them write or dictate a sentence that describes their picture. Second-grade and third-grade students will likely be able to write lists, short stories, and paragraphs in response to these prompts. Adapt them to the particular needs of your students.
Sentence Starters
- When warmer weather comes, I can’t wait to…
- The first sign of spring is…
- My favorite crafts are _________, _________, and _________.
- My favorite funny book is _________ because…
- The best way to eat apples is…
- The thing I’ll miss most about winter is…
- At the end of the rainbow, you’ll find…
- If I could create my own holiday, it would be called _________ and to celebrate we would…
- My favorite thing to do outside is…
- One of the funniest things that has happened to me is the time when…
Poetry Prompts
- Write an acrostic poem using one of these words:
- March
- Spring
- Women
- Bloom
- Daffodil
- Write a poem of any type using at least three of these words:
- Spring
- Oreo cookies
- Magical power
- Pot of gold
- Peanut butter
- Apple seeds
- Flowers
- Rain
- Puddles
- Lamb
- Green
- Story
- Outside
Story Writing Prompts
- Make up a funny story about a mischievous bunny who loves to play pranks.
- Write a story about a child who is stuck inside on a rainy day. What do they do to have fun?
- Choose a favorite character from a Dr. Seuss book such as the Cat in the Hat, Fox in Socks, or Sam-I-Am and write a story about them convincing you to jump in mud puddles with them.
- Write a story about a child who wants to bring home a baby lamb from a petting zoo.
- Make up a new story about Johnny Appleseed that involves one of these things: peanut butter, dancing, or a pot of gold.
- Write a story about a day spent planting a garden.
Other Writing Prompts for Grades 1 to 3
- Write a letter to a friend telling them about the signs of spring you’ve already seen.
- Write a list of all the things you are looking forward to doing with the arrival of warmer weather.
- Draw a picture of a special woman in your life (like a mom, aunt, grandma, or teacher). List five things that make her special.
- Describe a craft you have made recently. What did you create and what steps did you take to make it?
- What’s your favorite book to read or listen to? What do you love about it? Who else do you think would love it?
- You have been asked to make a healthy meal for your family. What will you make? What fruits, vegetables, and grains will you include?
- Pretend you’ve just met someone who doesn’t like to play outside. Write down all of the fun things you can think of to do outside as though you’re trying to change their mind.

March Writing Prompts for Older Kids
The different prompt sets in this section can be adapted for upper elementary and middle school students. You might use them for morning work, to teach a new skill (such as opinion writing or research papers), or to practice freewriting as a way of encouraging reluctant writers.
They can be used for both formal and informal writing assignments.
Poetry Prompts
Unleash your students’ creative potential with a poetry writing lesson. Invite them to explore their imagination and express themselves through different types of poems, such as haikus, sonnets, or ballads or leave the choice of structure up to them, depending on your objectives for the lesson.
You might start by having them brainstorm a list of words and images that come to mind when they think about March or spring and then have them pick a handful of these ideas to work into a poem. Or, if you’re short on time, you could provide a word bank to get them started.
- Write a poem about an influential woman from history. Try to include details about her work, her accomplishments, and how she paved the way for other women to succeed in her field.
- Write a poem about a snowflake melting in the first days of spring.
- Write a poem about everything you love—or don’t love—about spring.
- Write a poem that explains common grammatical errors or serves as a reminder for grammatical rules. (For model texts, see Grammar in a Nutshell, Why English is Hard to Learn, English, or Tense up with English Tenses.)
- Write a poem exploring the pros and cons of technology and the importance of staying connected with nature.
March Writing Journal Prompts
Writing down thoughts and feelings in a journal can help children develop better self-awareness, communication skills, and emotional regulation. Journaling also provides an outlet for creativity and expression.
March is a good time for kids to practice journaling because the new season brings fresh motivation and energy. The longer days of daylight allow more time for writing and reflection, and the change in weather can be inspiring. The special days listed above provide interesting topics to write about or reflect upon. Kids can also take advantage of spring break to find extra time to devote to their journals without the pressure of their regular school schedules.
Here are some ideas for kids to write about in their journals in March.
- New beginnings — Spring brings with it new life and a sense of rejuvenation in nature. How does the transition from winter to spring make you feel? Do you feel like you have more energy and creativity as the days get longer or do you miss the activities of winter?
- Observing nature — Take a walk outside on a sunny day. Stop and use your senses to notice what’s going on around you. What do you see? Hear? Smell? In your journal, describe the sights, smells, and sounds of springtime and reflect on how they make you feel.
- Spring cleaning — Many people do spring cleaning to remove the clutter and dirt that has built up over the winter months, while also taking advantage of the warm weather to air out their homes and make them feel refreshed. Spring cleaning is a tradition in many countries and is seen as a time for renewal. It gives people an opportunity to declutter their homes, reorganize items, and give everything a thorough cleaning. Do you participate in any spring cleaning activities? If so, which ones? How do you feel once you’ve finished the process? Are there other areas in your life, like your schedule or your binder, that could use a spring cleaning?
- Words Matter — Reflect on the importance of words. Why do words matter? What happens when people’s words and meanings are different? In what ways are words powerful?
- Awkward Moments — Awkward moments usually leave us feeling cringey and embarrassed, but in hindsight, they can often be funny or insight-provoking. Think of an awkward moment you’ve experienced. What happened? What made it awkward? How did you feel at the time? What did you learn from it? Are you able to laugh at it now or see anything good in it?
Women’s History Month Prompts
Women’s History Month is important for kids to study and reflect on because it highlights the impact of women throughout history. It serves as a reminder of how far women have come and how much progress still needs to be made for gender equality to prevail in all areas of society.
Learning about the accomplishments of female leaders, activists, and inventors can inspire children to work hard and reach their own goals. They may also gain an appreciation of different cultures and perspectives, as some of the most influential figures in women’s history are from diverse backgrounds.
Here are some Women’s History Month writing prompts for kids.
- Research and write a profile about a contemporary woman making strides in her field of work.
- Create a timeline of significant moments for women’s rights movements over the past century.
- Explore how gender roles have shifted over time by writing a narrative from multiple perspectives, such as that of a daughter, mother, and grandmother living during different eras.
- Research and analyze the impact of formal education on girls and women globally throughout history and into modern times.
- Write an essay exploring the ways in which voting rights have been expanded throughout history to include more women and its implications for today’s political landscape.
Narrative Writing Prompts for March
Narrative writing prompts give kids a chance to develop their storytelling skills and play with new ways to express themselves creatively. If possible, give them room to play around with the prompts below. Maybe they want to write a short story, a song, a play, or a musical. If time allows, let them run with it. The more invested they are in their ideas, the more committed they’ll be to seeing them through.
Try not to worry too much about having them stick with the exact wording of the prompt either. They’re just here to spark ideas. If kids want to combine prompts or go in a completely different direction, have them check with you then stand back and watch the magic happen.
Here are a few narrative writing prompts inspired by the month of March.
- Write a story from the perspective of a farm animal watching winter change into spring.
- Create a mini-play or skit between a group of friends who each want to create their own holiday for Make Your Own Holiday Day.
- Write a story that is written entirely with dialogue. Include these words and phrases:
- Ides of March
- Trailblazer
- Thunderstorm
- Green eggs and ham
- Unplugging
- Write a story set in ancient times about two people who must deliver powerful speeches to their community in order to save it from destruction.
- Write a story about a group of students who must save their school from the clutches of an evil villain using only their knowledge of grammar and the luck granted to them by a leprechaun on St. Patrick’s Day.
Other Writing Prompts for Older Kids
For your more formal writing assignments, you’ll likely draw inspiration from the units you’re covering. Keeping your assignments relevant to what kids are learning and to their everyday lives will help them engage more authentically in the writing process.
- Write an article comparing various national nutrition guidelines, discussing their similarities and differences. What conclusions about nutrition can be drawn from this comparison?
- Examine the effectiveness of government initiatives aimed at reducing obesity rates through improved diets and increased physical activity levels among children.
- Research the history of crafting in three different cultures, including the materials and tools used by artisans. Share your findings in an essay, slideshow, brochure, poster, or foam board.
- Choose a famous poem and rewrite it in your own voice, changing words and phrasing as desired while still preserving its key ideas and themes.
- Create a blog post about how to prepare a garden in preparation for spring. What needs to be done before you can start planting? How do you know when it’s time to plant? Which plants can be planted first in your region?

Tips for Using Writing Prompts Effectively with Kids
These tips will help you get the most out of your writing prompt exercises.
- Set aside time specifically dedicated to writing each day. The more often kids practice writing, the more comfortable they’ll get with it.
- Make sure kids understand that there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to writing prompts. These should be low-pressure writing assignments unless you’re specifically using the prompts for formal assignments.
- Give kids plenty of space to brainstorm and feel inspired by their ideas before jumping into the writing assignment.
- Don’t force kids to share their informal writing, especially if they’re writing about something personal. If you’re marking for participation only, give them the option to hand it into you with a sticky note that says Please Don’t Read. This can help students build trust in you and feel safe writing about their inner thoughts and feelings in, for example, their journal entries.
Get Started with Your March Writing Prompts Today
There are so many things to celebrate in March—the accomplishments of women throughout history, the power of poetry, the coming of spring—and each of these offers inspiration for young writers. Keep your writing prompts timely and relevant by tying these themes into your writing assignments and switching up the types of assignments you offer. To get started today, print out the K-3 March writing prompt printable calendar below or enter your email to get the full printable list of all 50 March writing prompts.
March Writing Prompt Calendar for Grades K-3

50 March Writing Prompts Printable
Enter your email to get the full printable list of all 50 March writing prompts.